Hello World! (Introductions)

Hello there!

I’m Kelly- a student, a dog mom, and a shop owner. Full disclosure- I started this blog for a fashion class I’m currently taking, but I hope to have a lot of fun with it. I guess I should start with a bit about myself, my relationship to the fashion industry, and finally, a bit about what this blog will be.

First things first- being involved in fashion and owning a clothing shop was never part of the plan- I was in grad school for communication, wanting to become a college professor. Throughout most of my life, I had felt that I never had the guts to dress the way I wanted to. During my time in grad school, I gained more confidence wearing clothes that were a little different or fun- ones that I actually wanted to wear. It was at that point that I ran into the problem of affording to dress the way I wanted to. During my second year of grad school, I started my shop, Just Six Club as a for-fun, money-saving project. Over the summer of 2017, I hosted several pop-ups and I realized that I wanted my for-fun project to be my real job. I opened the first permanent location in November which has been (although not without growing pains) wonderful so far.

Why the sudden change in plans?

Hosting pop-up shops was what really made me want to do more with my shop. It was nice to be outside meeting people, but the best thing about it was the enthusiasm I felt from other people about the styles I’d picked out. I loved every second of it. I loved the supportive environment, I loved when people found outfits that made them feel great, and I loved how excited people got when they found the perfect novelty print.

About this blog- I plan to share quirky styles I love, fun color combinations, style ideas, and in all likelihood, the occasional work-related rant. Dressing the way you want to is the goal, and if I can share ideas that help, so much the better!

Going from rhetoric to retail was a big change, but like my shop, I will be giving this blog my best shot. I hope you follow along as I adventure through the fashion industry.



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